New world, new skills finance professionals need
Professional Insights

New world, new skills finance professionals need

Sep 30, 2023 · 3 min read · AICPA & CIMA Insights Blog

New world, new skills finance professionals need

Even before the pandemic, 数字化转型和新的工作方式对财务团队所需的技能和能力产生了重大影响. 随着人们和企业比以往任何时候都更加寻求数字体验和解决方案,冠状病毒大流行加速了这一需求.

Based on conversations I had with CFOs worldwide, I shared insights [listen here via podcast]. 他们告诉我,为了在当今世界充分支持业务,财务团队必须具备的技能和能力. 这些技能和几个月前一样重要,包括:

  1. Knowledge of transformative technology
    在过去的一年里,我们都参加了一个与技术并肩工作的速成班. 随着我们组织的数据转移到云端,月末结算也变得自动化了, 金融业必须熟悉机器人过程自动化等技术, blockchain and data analytics applications.


    建立支持这种快速转变的技能并能够使用技术将使您处于有利地位. Our free Digital Mindset Pack 为会员提供深入了解机器人过程自动化和数据分析等技术的机会.

  2. Comfort with analyzing and presenting data
    If working side by side with technology is important, 使用工具和数据来影响决策的能力更为关键.

    “我们需要用一种更有说服力和简洁的方式来讲述这个故事,一家财富500强制造服务公司的财务主管最近对我说. 在他努力解决如何在数字金融转型方面取得进展之后, 他花时间与他的业务和财务团队一起,有效地将管理报告从数千页的信息转变为一组仪表板.


    协会(AICPA®和CIMA®)提供了一些资源来帮助财务和会计专业人员提高他们的数据分析技能. Some of these include our data analytics certificate programs, articles and podcasts and an interactive data analytics quiz to test your skills.

  3. Ability to communication and think critically
    Never underestimate the power of effective storytelling. 你可以发现最好的见解,但如果你的听众不理解你的观点,那就没有意义了.

    强大的沟通能力和批判性思维能力——能够提出正确的问题并引导良好和深思熟虑的决策——对金融专业人士来说是非常宝贵的技能. 如果利用技术的能力和对业务的深刻理解支持这些技能, you have a powerful combination to lead your business.

    Programs such as the CGMA® Finance Leadership Program help develop these co-piloting competencies. The program’s online, 个性化的学习经验可以帮助金融专业人士发展必要的数字技能, technical, business, leadership and people skills. Our Agile Finance white paper and webcast series 你也可以就如何重新构想你的业务和提高你的财务团队在数字时代的技能提供一些想法.

  4. A mastery of the basics

    He explained, “It’s about finance doing what its core responsibilities are really well, consistently and sustainably in very difficult operating circumstances. 这是关于财务团队能够完美地为整体连续性做出贡献.”

    这种技术技能的掌握是必不可少的,以确保在最新的技术会计和金融领域的技能提升. 我们可能需要忘记和重新学习多年前学习过的一些概念.

    这方面的主要候选方法是风险管理和情景规划, which have been turned on their heads over the last few months. Look to our COVID-19 resource center to help you remain current in these areas.

  5. Ability to be agile and unlearn what you know
    This is the most important skill of them all.

    “Agility is about how flexible we can make an organization, a process or even an individual,” said a CFO of a global gas manufacturer and supplier. And pace, 这是关于“我们能多快地消除限制并调整流程以产生影响?.”

    For example, McKinsey & Company offers six steps to reskilling 并分享了建立“无悔”技能的策略——无论员工的具体角色如何演变,这都是一个有用的工具包. Also, take a look at the CGMA Competency Framework 帮助指导与你的员工或经理进行结构化的学习对话,并建立一个你自己的无悔工具包.

Key questions to consider
As you reflect on these skills, consider these questions to discuss with your teams and your leaders:

  • 疫情如何改变了您对如何发展自己和人民的看法?

  • 你需要什么样的关键能力来满足你现在和将来的业务重点?

  • 你如何将角色和工作方式与这些关键能力结合起来?

  • 你如何让你的同事参与到最初的对话中来验证你的理解?

了解更多关于高级金融专业人士现在需要茁壮成长的技能和能力. 来自全国各地的经验丰富的首席财务官将提供最新的创新和预期的趋势,让您在行业的最前沿 AICPA & CIMA CFO Conference. This all-online conference, May 5-7, 汇集行业领导者,分享最佳实践和最新见解,以帮助您指导您的团队.

Barry Payne, CPA, CGMA, Director, External Relations — Management Accountant, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

Barry Payne

Barry Payne is Director, External Relations at AICPA & CIMA. 他是首席财务官和财务领导的联络人,了解财务团队的发展和探索技能, competencies, and mindsets that are emerging and important. Barry致力于提升和加速188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址和CGMA认证在美洲的价值.

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